Posts tagged with "#germany"

Travel Blog · 10.04.2019
A few days ago, we went for a day trip to nearby Cologne. I had already been a few times to Cologne, privately as for business, visiting world-known heritage as well as the renowned Carnaval. To be honest, I had never really liked the city that I had visited on brief accounts. Maybe it was due to the rushed through business meetings between trains or planes, or maybe it was due to the cultural marathon rushing through tourist-crammed areas. Maybe just both. In any case, I decided to.
Life · 30.01.2019
As Baby Lifestylette was fighting off a pretty bad virus last week, I managed to let her childcare know at 10am where the caretakers had probably already jumped to the obvious conclusion... Embarrassed that I had forgotten, I reflected on the many 'new learnings' and items I have now integrated in our daily lives over the past months.... Here are the 10 things I have learned in 10 weeks of childcare:

Dusseldorf, night, skyline, view, private-rooftop, lifestylette
Travel Blog · 11.10.2018
As soon as I spend what seems to me like an eternity in the same city, I need a little break. This time, I decided to have a day trip to Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine Westphalia. It is a pretty city where I don't go enough. I long underestimated Düsseldorf. It has so many different faces - between the romantic Rhine side, the quaint old town, the numerous show-rooms or the world-known luxury shopping street... It is a city bubbling with new fashion, beauty, food & drink trends...